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West Clayton NCP

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In July of 2015, Surrey City Council approved the West Clayton Neighbourhood Concept Plan (NCP). Along with the NCP, the council also prepared an engineering servicing strategy as well as a related financial strategy. This NCP contains future plans for road layout concepts, design guidelines, servicing plans, and finance plans.

The Land concept plan includes:

  • Development of a community centre for Clayton which contains a library, a recreation centre, parks, and schools – near 72 Avenue and 188 Street.
  • Creation of a higher density and mixed-use transit station near 184 Street and Fraser Highway, for future plans of rapid transit (SkyTrain) along Fraser Highway.
  • Creation of higher density transit-supported residential areas that are within walking distance of transit areas.
  • Creation of medium density housing while retaining historical and green areas.
  • Creation of lower density housing with significant forest and greenery areas. While also adding abundant park areas, riparian areas, greenways, nature areas, and wildlife corridors.

West Clayton also will become an “Energy Shift” neighbourhood. This means that innovative ideas will be used to cut energy costs for residents as well as meet Surrey’s commitment to reducing Greenhouse gas emissions. This will be the first NCP in Surrey to incentivize construction of buildings that exceed building code requirements in order to achieve energy efficiency.


June 2015

Stage II Public Open House

Display Boards:

February 2015

December 2013

October 2013

A Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting was held on September 26, 2013 to discuss:

  • A draft Preferred Land Use Concept;
  • Servicing reports;
  • Locations for the connection of 72 Ave to Fraser Hwy in the short term and long term;
  • The Road Designation Plan; and
  • A draft Density Bonusing Policy to promote energy efficiency.

July 2013

The work on 72 Avenue transportation and options for the intersection of 72 Avenue at Fraser Highway has taken somewhat longer than initially anticipated. It’s now expected that the results from this work will be available in July 2013. Staff will review the proposed options and revise the draft land use concept plan as required based on the options.

The work on draft servicing reports for Stage 1 NCP has been underway. It is now anticipated that the next CAC meeting will be held in September 2013. Staff will bring the draft preferred land use concept plan and information from the draft servicing reports to the meeting for discussion in preparation for the next public information meeting later in fall 2013.

April 2013

Work on the 72 Avenue study has commenced, and staff has provided feedback on the consultant’s initial concepts for the connection of 72 Avenue to Fraser Highway. Revised concepts and a draft report from the consultant are now anticipated by May.

The revised 72 Avenue concepts will be reviewed by staff and incorporated into the draft preferred land use concept for discussion with the CAC. Also, in consultation with City staff, School District staff are working with the Province on resolving issues with the secondary school and elementary school sites. The draft land use concept will show the proposed school sites and how they will be integrated into the surrounding area. It is anticipated that the next CAC meeting will be held in late May or early June.

December 2012

A Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting was held on November 29, 2012, to discuss the draft preferred land use concept plan for the NCP areas West of 188 Street and the initial land use plan for the NCP extension area East of 188 Street and south of 74 Avenue. 

There are 2 outstanding issues: the connection of 72 Avenue to Fraser Highway, and the secondary school and elementary school sites. The Engineering Department has retained a consultant to study options and recommendations for 72 Avenue, and it is anticipated that the draft report on this study will be received in February 2013.  Through the remainder of 2013, staff will be working with the School District to firm up the location and configuration of the school sites while adjusting the land use concept plan based on the discussion with the CAC. 

The next CAC meeting is expected to be held in January 2013. The next Public Open House on the draft preferred land use concept plan will be scheduled after staff receives the final report on 72 Avenue and after the options and recommendations from the report are incorporated into the land use concept plan.

October 2012

Staff is currently working on the preferred plan and will bring it for discussion to the CAC before the next Public Open House. At this time, it is anticipated that the Public Open House will occur in late November/early December 2012.

July 2012

On June 25, 2012, Council considered Corporate Report No. R145 regarding the extension of the West Clayton NCP area covering a small area to the southeast of 74 Avenue and 188 Street. This area has not been the subject of an NCP, and it lies just outside the East Clayton North NCP boundary. 

Council had received a number of development applications in this area, and had instructed staff to assess whether these properties could be incorporated into the West Clayton NCP process. On June 25, 2012, after considering the Corporate Report, Council authorized staff to proceed with an NCP extension for this area (PDF. New window.) as part of the West Clayton NCP process.

Similar to the West Clayton NCP, an environmental study and heritage review are required to provide input into the NCP extension area. Compared to the original West Clayton NCP area, the extension area is small, and as such, these studies are expected to be completed relatively quickly without causing any delays to the West Clayton land use planning process. The environmental study will be awarded shortly and the heritage review is underway. 

The current West Clayton CAC will be expanded to provide representation to the property owners in the extension area. A letter will be sent to these property owners inviting applications for CAC membership.

Currently, staff is reviewing the comments received on the 2 draft land use concept plans presented at the Public Open House, and, during the summer, staff will work on developing initial land use scenarios towards arriving at one preferred concept plan for discussion with the CAC in the fall.

June 2012

February 2012

City staff are currently preparing draft land use concepts. Following consultation meetings with the CAC winter/spring 2012, it is anticipated that a Public Open House will be held in May 2012 to give the public an opportunity to view and comment on the land use concepts. As soon as the date and venue of the public open house are decided, the public will be notified.

May 2011

March 2011

Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) – Applications for Membership

Information for Property Owners in the Study Area
Information for Citizens of Surrey

Council has asked Staff to undertake a review of the East Clayton NCP to assess the successes of the neighbourhood as well as areas of improvement, for consideration in the preparation of West Clayton NCP Area #1 and NCP Area #2. Staff report on this review is expected to go to Council by late April.

Following this review, public consultation for West Clayton NCP Area #1 and NCP Area #2 will begin. It is anticipated that public consultation will commence in May, at which time property owners in the West Clayton area will be notified of an initial Public Open House.

December 2010

On July 26, 2010, Council approved the boundaries for West Clayton Neighbourhood #1 and West Clayton Neighbourhood #2, and authorized staff to initiate background studies for the West Clayton area in advance of preparing Neighbourhood Concept Plans (NCPs).

The background studies are underway and include a heritage review and assessment study, a commercial market study, and a detailed ecosystem review study including a tree survey. It is anticipated that the background studies will be completed in April 2011.

Background information

Clayton ISMP – Stage 1 (September 2010):

Clayton ISMP – Stage 2 (May 2011):

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